28 August 2020
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Baklava is not an unloved dessert. Baklava is one of the desserts coming in our dreams. Are you ready for a challenge? I’m pretty sure you already know the fantastic taste and fame of Turkish Baklava. So, I will skip the part that I will brag about it. For a while, I keep seeing various recipes for baklava. I’m sorry to say it but these recipes weren’t quite accurate. But we can’t bear the fact that you can’t make real baklava, right? And voila!  Today I’ll share the original Turkish baklava recipe from scratch with you. Also, I will tell you the ultimate trick to make it that even most Turkish cooks don’t know about. Just try it and you will love love love!

Baklava (Original Turkish Baklava Recipe)

Baklava (Original Turkish Baklava Recipe)

I know that baklava near me is one of the most searched sentences in your area. Then don’t wait anymore and go get cooking!


Baklava - Original Turkish Baklava Recipe

Today I’ll share the original Turkish baklava recipe from scratch with you. Also, I will tell you the ultimate trick to make it that even most Turkish cooks don’t know about. Just try it and you will love love love!
Prep Time 1 hr 30 mins
Cook Time 1 hr 30 mins
Course Dessert
Cuisine Turkish
Servings 1 tray


  • For the sherbet:
  • 1 liter/5 cups water
  • 1 kilogram/2.21 lbs. sugar
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • For the dough:
  • 2 eggs
  • 75 grams margarine or butter melted
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 cup yoghurt
  • 2 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • As much flour as it gets 4-5 cups
  • To roll the dough:
  • Wheat starch up to 500-750gr
  • In Between:
  • 200-250 gr crushed walnuts or pistachios
  • To pour over:
  • 1 package 250gr/0.56 lbs. pure butter (to obtain pure butter, melt the butter and remove the foams formed on it.)
  • 1 cup oil


  • Put your sugar and water in a pot and start boiling. Make sure the sugar is dissolved in the water before the water starts to boil. After the water starts to boil, add the lemon juice.
  • Boil your syrup for about 30 minutes, until you have a thick syrup.
  • For the dough, put the yoghurt, oil, melted margarine and egg in our bowl. Pour the baking powder on it.
  • Put the lemon juice and vinegar on the baking powder to make it foam. After adding a pinch of salt, knead it by adding flour gradually.
  • It does not need to be a very hard dough. Divide the kneaded dough into 4 equal parts. Cover the divided dough with a damp kitchen cloth.
  • Take the first piece and roll it out so that it is not too thin. After opening, pour starch all over so that there is no empty space. (The more starch is abundant, the crisper the dough. If you put less starch, your dough will stick together and there will be no layers.)
  • Begin to fold the dough you starched like an envelope. Every time you fold the dough, don't forget to sprinkle starch on the folded place. You have to fold the dough into an envelope a total of eight times.
  • Put the starched and folded dough under a damp cloth and rest. Do the same for the other three pieces of dough. Put the dough under your damp cloth every time or your dough may start to dry.
  • After the folding process is over, take the first folded dough and roll it out as thin as you can with the roller. Put your oven tray on the dough you roll out and cut the dough into tray sizes. You can use a 12-inch round tray or a 12-by16-inch rectangular tray.
  • Roll out your two pieces of dough and place them on the tray and sprinkle your chopped walnuts on the tray.
  • Roll out the remaining two pieces of dough in the same way and put them on the tray.
  • Slice the baklava as you see in the pictures below or in a square shape.
  • Pour pure butter and vegetable oil on the sliced baklava. It is important to use pure butter so that your baklava does not burn while cooking.
  • Bake your baklava in the oven that you preheated to 160 °C/320 °F until they are browned. The cooking time can take up to 80-90 minutes.
  • In order for the baklava to absorb the sherbet well, both the baklava and the sherbet must be cold. After the baklava is completely cooled, pour cold sherbet on it.
  • After 5-6 hours, your baklava will be ready for service.
Keyword Baklava

You can also watch full steps in below video.


What do you think about that? Have you tried baklava recipe yet? Please comment and share your experience. Or are you craving for another Turkish food that you want its recipe from me? You can always contact me from here.



Q: What is baklava

A: Baklava is an important pastry dessert that has a place in Turkish, Middle Eastern, Balkan, and South Asian cuisines. It is made by placing walnuts, pistachios, almonds, or hazelnuts between thin doughs, depending on the region. It is generally flavored with sugar syrup. Baklava, which is in the kitchens of many nations, is also owned by many nations. Since the development date of baklava is not kept, the evidence is uncertain, but the evidence shows that it is a dessert of Central Asian Turkish origin. The pastry with layered pastries by the nomadic Turks who know phyllo as their basic food by putting various mortars between the doughs that are opened and cooked one by one is considered the origin of baklava.


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